The financial programme of the European Union is divided into 7-year periods and into over 50 different funding programs.
These instruments are subdivided in turn into Actions or sub-programs, in relation to strategic priorities, defined during the planning phase.
The total amount of resources available for the 2021-2027 period is equal to 1,135 billion euros, increasing compared to 960 billion in the 2014-2020 period.
The first and main distinction to be made in the scouting phase, is between direct and indirect funds.
In the first case, funding is provided through international calls directly from the European Commission or through linked Agencies.
Indirect funds, that absorb close to 80% of total resources, are managed by States and Regional Authorities.
If you have an idea or a need, most important thing to do is to understand which is the most suitable financing instrument, the characteristics required and the eligible activities.